Over the next four weeks we are going to look at different variations on single leg movements starting with variations on the lunge. Single leg movements can be particularly unforgiving…
Building on from the Walking Lunge last week, this week all we are doing is adding some weight with a barbell in the Front Rack position. Just as we considered…
CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the back rack lunge here, which is pretty much, as you’ve no doubt guessed by now, just another lunge, but this time the…
CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Overhead Lunge here, which is a more challenging version of the back and front rack lunges we looked at previously. The instability…
CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the Turkish get-up. The Turkish Get-up is a fantastic exercise, that you could do with practically any heavy object, although kettlebells and dumbells…
The Pistol Squat, as demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart, is a one legged squat that, like the Overhead Squat, requires a high degree of mobility, that…
A fundamental movement and one on the wish list of many, the pull-up, often known in CrossFit as the ‘strict’ pullup to distinguish it from the kipping pullup. The strict…
CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the strict chest-to-bar pull-up, which is exactly like the strict pull-up, but you need to pullyourself higher, so that your chest can touch…
The Toes to Bar, demonstrated here by CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart is very often the first kipping movement you come across in CrossFit. Kipping is really just the…
Today, CrossFit Seminar Staff member James Hobart demonstrates the kipping pull-up. The kipping pull-up differs from the strict Pull-up in that it uses momentum to propel the chin over the…